
Play/be original with wallpaper

Decoration tips | Mai 17

Wallpaper can satisfy all your wishes and has become an essential part of decoration which can suit both classic and modern styles.

Feel free to play with wallpaper for your greatest pleasure:

  • For a very classical look, use plain wallpaper at the top and a patterned one at the bottom (or the other way round) and a nice border will help to hide the repeat.
  • Hang one or two wallpaper strips, plain or with a unique pattern, on a naked wall, to enhance furniture or paintings, without cluttering the room. Your wallpaper will become then a work of art in the lounge or a poster in a teenager’s bedroom!
  • Use wallpaper to give a second life to an old dresser or kitchen cupboard and create a very trendy loft look by using updated recycled furniture.
  • Turn your wallpaper into a headboard … to be changed according to your mood.
  • Hung horizontally, this wallpaper strip becomes an unusual border which will enlarge the room.
  • A strip of wallpaper can separate a room in several living areas which is perfect for a small flat or student lodgings.
  • Cover your shelves with the same wallpaper used for the walls, to achieve perfect harmony.
  • Cut patterns out of wallpaper and create your own decoration on a painted wall.
  • You can use wallpaper for your bookcase or crockery dresser.
  • Wallpaper can also be used to give a « TROMPE L’OEIL » effect, by choosing a vegetal pattern and add molding round the strip and there you have nature in a small town flat.

With a little imagination, you can change your home in a flash and for a decent budget… it is up to you!