
To choose your wallpaper : the different qualities

Decoration tips | Novembre 16

The choice of wallpaper depends on several factors: nature of the room, state of the walls and of course your taste and budget.

1) The nature of the room

According to the room type to be decorated, you cannot just choose your wallpaper on the design and colour only. It is in particular the case for so called wet rooms like kitchen and bathroom for which you need to have vinyl wallpaper, or super washable. Washable wallpaper is also recommended for children’s bedrooms and playrooms.

On the other hand, in dry rooms, like the living room or bedrooms, you can choose whatever wallpaper you like.

For corridors and entrance halls generating a lot of traffic, it is recommended to choose a thicker and stronger wallpaper which will resist to abrasion, like super washable and scrubbable heavy vinyl.

Choose also a blown vinyl wallpaper if the room is facing south as it will withstand UV radiation much better. It is also good for its capacity to reduce noise.

2) State of walls

When the walls are smooth and in perfect condition, you can have all wallpaper types. However if your walls are uneven or showing  defects, it is recommended to choose a thicker wallpaper, embossed  or raised, a non-woven or duplex and to take preferably patterned wallpaper which will better hide the wall defects. Plain wallpaper tends to accentuate the slightest wall defect.

Blown Vinyl and Non-woven are perfect if the walls are damaged.

You are now ready to choose the wallpaper most suited to you and which will change your home in a very friendly and warm place.